10 Travel Bloggers from around the world

Meet 10 Travel Bloggers from Around the World

Last updated on May 20th, 2021 at 04:41 pm

Reading Time: 11 minutes

What’s up, My Dear Travel Bloggers/Travelers?

Hope you are doing mind-blowing traveling.

Okay, a safe one too.

Today, I decided to come up with an interesting topic of what Travel Bloggers from around the world have to say about themselves, their blogs and more interesting topics.

Just accept this. Just accept.

Everybody needs an appreciation and recognition for their work to feel confident about themselves and to move forward.

i.e. It’s an Around the world series.

This idea came to me and guess what?

Twitter came to rescue and helped me to reach over the world.

Please do Share and Subscribe.

By the way, my Twitter handle is Iamvanshtiwari. If in case you like to follow.

I used Twitter to get to know Travel Bloggers from around the world

Yeah, it’s a helpful medium if you use wisely.

A very important medium if you ask me.

Since I got so many responses and you will be thinking about How I decided to feature only these 10.

Here’s the answer.

How 10 Travel Bloggers chosen

Now, you guys are wondering which questions?

The questions I had sent are –

  1. Explain a bit about yourself and your blog?
  2. Where are you originally from?
  3. What Motivated you to start this travel blog?
  4. How many countries/cities you have covered?
  5. What’s your dream country that you would like to visit?
  6. Is India on your dream list?
  7. What are you doing when you are not traveling and blogging?

Without further waiting let’s get to know the people on board and what’s there answers.

10 Travel Bloggers from around the world

Let’s begin in knowing the Travel Bloggers from around the world –

1. Darlene

Darlene from Thirsty Journeys

  • My name is Darlene and I’m the owner of the Thirsty Journeys travel blog.
  • I live in Edmonton, Alberta Canada.
  • I started my travel blog for a few reasons – to satisfy my desire to write, to encourage people to explore the world around them, and to capture the experiences and adventures my husband and I have while traveling the world together in a forum other than just in a personal journal.It seems like we’re always giving travel tips and advice to friends and family, and we even founded a travel club at work so colleagues had a forum to share travel stories and photos. So it felt like a natural fit to start a travel blog.
  • I have been to 29 countries so far.
  • I have several dream countries on my list that I haven’t visited yet, but the top two right now are Borneo and Ethiopia.
  • India is definitely on our list of places to visit! We haven’t been there yet, but we’ll get there in the next few years.
  • When I’m not traveling and blogging, I work full time for the provincial government as a team lead for a unit that evaluates foreign qualifications and compares them to Canadian academic standards.


2. Elaine

Elaine from Eccentric England - Travel Blogger

  • Hi, I’m Elaine, a travel blogger based in the North of the UK! My Travelblog is Eccentric England I have been blogging for about seven years and have had the opportunity to see some amazing places and do some amazing things from horse riding in Mexico to riding the bullet train in Japan!
  • I live in the beautiful North East of England close to the stunning coast and countryside, but we are a bit short on sunshine! So that is one of the reasons I love to travel!
  • I have visited 20 plus counties including Uzbekistan, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, and Tasmania!
  • I was motivated to start my travel blog as I have always enjoyed writing and a journalist friend of mine suggested I do it as a way to record my travels and share my lovely photographs!
  • Dream destinations – I would love to visit Hawaii or the Philippines – exciting tropical places! For cities, I would like to go to Shanghai and Seville in Spain.
  • I have been to Kerala and Goa in India and I absolutely loved it – I would very much like to return there! There is nowhere better for shopping, gorgeous food, culture, and lovely people.
  • When I’m not traveling blogging abroad I write about things to do and places in my local area – I recently spent a night in a 1960s Double Decker London bus which has been converted into luxury accommodation!

Also Read, How Traveling can change how you see the world


3. Winnie Rioba

Winnie from Just Rioba

  • I am Winnie Rioba, a Kenyan with a great love for traveling currently focusing on exploring the African continent.
  • I started traveling regularly in 2016 and I remember after I shared the pictures of my Zanzibar experience on Instagram, I got similar questions from so many people asking: how to get there, the documents needed, and interesting things to do. Someone suggested that I should start a travel blog and put all the information in one place to answer everyone at once. Since I started justrioba, I have had fellow travelers tell me they draw their travel inspirations from my previous experiences. It’s an incredible feeling I must say.
  • As of this date, I have been to 19 African countries in total.
  • I really dream of exploring all African countries before I turn 30. However, if I were to pick one destination, it would be Madagascar!
  • India has been on my list for many years since my friend backpacked there for three months. I hope to try the spicy Indian food, fall in love with the beautiful architecture, and obviously wake up early enough to get that one epic Taj Mahal Instagram shot.
  • I have a typical Monday-Friday 8-5 job so that’s what you will find me doing if I am not blogging or making solid travel plans.


4. Alex Outhwaite

Alex from A Life Well Travelled

  • Hello, I’m Alex Outhwaite & I run the travel blog A life well-traveled ‘I’m a travel lover who’s interested in visiting new places was sparked by the Summer holidays I took with my parents around Europe.
  • I’m a keen scuba diver and swimmer and many of my travels revolve around adventurous locations and countries less visited such as El Salvador and Uzbekistan.’
  • I’m from the UK
  • I present travel shows on Travelxp HD and my followers were keen for me to document more about my travels. I started my blog to give more access to where I visit and what I love.
  • I’ve been to over 60 countries and always adding more to my list. I want to visit South Korea and Sri Lanka.
  • I’ve spent many months in India and visited 5 times.
  • I’m always traveling and creating videos for my YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/AlexOuthwaite I particularly love visiting food markets and trying local specialties. I’m a keen cook and I love to recreate the recipes back home.


5. Peter

Peter from Primabl

  • I am Peter and my blog is Primabl – odd name I know, but it’s unique and that’s what I was going for!
  • I am from a small county village in Dublin, Ireland
  • My travel blog up in February 2017 at around 2 am in morning as I finally decided I wanted to follow my dream and become a travel writer. I thought that if others can do it, why not me? I always loved traveling and I believe it is one of the best things you can spend your money on. The ability to see the world is a massive privilege and I count myself extremely lucky to have visited the places I have. My blog is travel focused and focuses on city highlights as well as long-form pieces and travel features from my experiences of traveling.
  • I have visited 25 countries and about twice that in terms of cities. My main area is both Eastern and Western Europe and North America. I’m currently planning an Australasia tour for 2021 with some intermediary travel between them.
  • I would love to visit the Maldives and one day I will! I can’t wait, it looks stunning! After that probably New Zealand!
  • I would love to visit India and hope to include it as part of my Australiasian tour if I don’t get there beforehand!
  • Usually working! I work as an account manager in Toronto and it funds my travels. Worked in NYC in 2016 while in university. I love the idea of living and working abroad so I applied for a visa to work and live in Canada in 2018 and I moved here in March of this year – loving it so far! It takes a lot of work to create a monetarily successful travel blog but I’m getting there!

Also Read, 10 Best and Worst Things about Travel Blogging


6. Vanessa Ball

Vanessa from Wanders Miles


  • I’m Vanessa, the creator, and editor of Wanders Miles, an adventure travel blog. I’m originally from the UK but now a Dubai ex-pat. I was traveling a lot to off-the-beaten-track countries across Asia and Africa including some of the least visited countries in the world such as Turkmenistan, North Korea, or Djibouti so I thought a blog would be a great idea to share and inspire others to experience the wonderful world of travel.
  • To date, I’ve visited 52 countries across 6 continents with so much more to come. It’s hard to choose my dream country that I’d like to visit but Myanmar and Bhutan are high on my list. I’m heading to Antarctica this year for a once-in-a-lifetime trip to experience the vast white wilderness of the southernmost continent.
  • I’ve visited India several times, I love the diversity of the country as no two places are the same; the backwaters of Kerala, beaches of Goa, the holy cities of Varanasi and Pushkar, Pink City of Jaipur, Elephanta and Ellora Caves and not forgetting the mountains of Kashmir – and each very unique.
  • When I’m not traveling or blogging, I’m working freelance in Digital Marketing, exploring the desert of the UAE, or chilling by the pool.


7. Sarah

Sarah from Touching the Summit

  • I’m Sarah and the founder of Touching the Summit; an adventure, travel, and mental health blog. I worked hard to manage anxiety and asthma, overcome depression, and suicidal thoughts. Since then, I left my home town in County Durham in England for adventures abroad.
  • I’m originally from County Durham in England and now living in Munich.
  • I wanted to inspire others that it is, in some situations, possible to manage symptoms of anxiety and depression and subsequently travel and go on adventures.
  • 32 countries, soon to be 33. I can not count the number of cities: a lot!
  • Antarctica (ok this is a continent). I would like to climb Mount Vincent Massif: the tallest mountain in Antarctica, standing at 4,892m. And then see some of the local wildlife there 🙂
  • Yes! I would love to do an expedition to the Kangchendzönga National Park and also the other Indian Himalaya regions northwest of Nepal.
  • I work full time and do mountain sports such as via ferratas, ski touring, and hiking.

Also Read, 10 Motorcycle Accessories while Backpacking


8. Brittany Limberkis

Brittany from For the Love of Blank

  • Hi! I’m Brittany Limberakis and I am an owner/author of For the Love of Blank! This is a food and travel blog that I run with my best friend. You can find me writing about my love of travel, food, and wine, or sharing all things wedding planning with you! As a Greek girl planning a wedding, well, just watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding to understand my life!  I grew up in a small town but love to explore the world and all it has to offer!
  • I am from Twin Falls, Idaho (otherwise known as small-town USA! 😉 ).
  • My best friend Jordyn Galan and I started this blog together as a way to share our love of food and travel with friends, family, and everyone else! We had no idea we’d end up loving it so much and connecting with so many amazing people along the way.
  • I’ve been to 7 countries and countless cities and states! And next year my husband and I will backpack Europe in the fall so the list keeps growing.
  • My dream country to visit would be Japan. I am part Japanese so I think it would be neat to visit my roots!
  • Yes! It may take us a few years to get there but it is definitely in our plans!
  • I am a freelance copywriter so most of my free time is spent working on projects for clients! You can also find me hiking, kayaking, camping, and just enjoying the beautiful scenery of my hometown!


9. Paul Taylor

Paul Taylor from Bald Hiker

  • My name is Paul Taylor and I write for a blog called Bald Hiker where I talk about my travels all over the world and climbing and hiking in the UK and abroad.
  • I’m from Manchester in the northwest of England which is a great base for walking. The Lake District, Peak District, Snowdonia, and Yorkshire Dales national parks are all within a few hour’s drive so I get out there as often as I can.
  • The blog was started by my friend Paul Steele over 10 years ago. I’ve been writing regularly for the site for a few years now and really enjoy both the traveling and the writing, but I’ve always written about my travels, either in journals or in letters sent home to family and friends whilst on my travels.
  • I think I’ve been to 33 different countries and god knows how many cities. Australia and Hawaii are the furthest from home, Morocco was culturally the most different, and Thailand the most beautiful. Barcelona is my favorite city and I have family there so visit quite often.
  • I’ve never been to South America so Argentina is somewhere I’d like to tick off. I’d love to explore Patagonia and find some adventure in the mountains.
  • India is definitely on my list! I’d love to go trekking in the north or maybe see some tigers in Bandhavgarh. Most importantly I’d want to taste fabulous Indian food. Indian food is my favorite
  • When I’m not traveling I’m planning my next trip, up to a mountain in the Lake District, cooking delicious food, or watching Manchester United.


10. Adam

Adam from Roamingirishman


  • My name is Adam and I run the blog roamingirishman. I mostly focus on budget travel and finding the best, local food in the destinations I visit.
  • As the name of my blog suggests, I am from Ireland.
  • I had traveled quite a bit before ever considering starting my blog. I used bloggers and their recommendations to aid me in my travels and thought for a long time about entering that world. Before undertaking an eight-month trip last year, I took the plunge and have loved every minute of it.
  • At this present time, the number stands at 32. Hopefully, I will add a few more in 2019.
  • Japan has always been number one on my bucket list. I had plans to go last year but for financial reasons, I decided to put it off. Traveling from Ireland can be quite expensive but hopefully, I will be able to live my dream. Jordan and more specifically, Petra has always been very high up on my list as well.
  • I was fortunate to visit India back in 2016. I spent one month there, starting in Kolkata, then Varanasi, Agra, Rajasthan, and finishing in Delhi. Luckily, I was able to be there during Holi Festival which was possibly the best day I have had traveling. I came close to going
    back last year but plans did not materialize but I definitely will in the future.
  • At the moment I am blogging full-time but in the next few months, I will begin to train as a chef. It is time to turn another huge passion of mine into a lifestyle.


I would like to thank all our 10 Travel Bloggers for taking out time and expressing their views.
Especially those you couldn’t be included this time.

I hope you have a lovely time knowing them and tell me in the comments if you liked this series? so in the future would consider more series like this from around the world.

Please do share and follow this blog for Interesting updates.

Happy Travelling peeps.

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