A New World - III (He Needs the Light)

A New World – III (He Needs the Light)

Last updated on July 26th, 2021 at 04:32 am

Reading Time: 2 minutes

He needs the light,


He was lost,
Needed a way out

He is again in a situation,

He can see the light,
But required to fight.
Can see a way out,
He is in a complete doubt
Can he make it?
As he runs towards the door,
Yes, He believes,
Rolled up his sleeves.
To gather the courage to move,
The best way to improve.
Take the step out,
Remain in no doubt.
This is possible! He shouts,
But, back in time,
He has experienced,
The world had put him into the dark side.
But don't forget,
The hard work you do at night
Is what puts you into the light,
He reminds himself.
One day the darkness will move out,
He will repeatedly shout
He did it!

What looks like a complex task
Yeah, he remembers to wear a mask.
The time is now
To strengthen the week cells,
Put Silent mode on alarm and ring bells.
Gather Strength,
To move out in the light.
He learns,
Every day is a new day, and you have to fight,
To see the light.

Every day is a new day, and you have to fight,
To see the light.

I hope you have loved it as much as I did while creating this!

You can read the previous parts from A New World Series –

  1. Come to Explore
  2. I am Lost

Your thoughts will be appreciated!

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  1. True – “every day is a new day”
    An Amazing poem!

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