Blogger recognition award

Blogger Recognition Award

Last updated on May 20th, 2021 at 04:45 pm

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Blogger Recognition Award

I had received a few before also, “The blogger recognition award” but hadn’t written down it yet. Sorry about that! But today, after being nominated by Jess thanks a lot. So, I decided to write because people were mentioning me and I want to give the credit to them also for the nomination.
Thank you to each and every person for your support.

The Rules –

  1. Thank the blogger that nominated you.
  2. Write a post to show your award.
  3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  4. Give some advice to new bloggers
  5. Select 10 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  6. Let the bloggers know that you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you have created.

Thank You

I would like to thank Jess for nominating me.

My Story

I still remember the day, my last college exam. On the very next day, I decided to learn Digital Marketing. Being a Marketer I have always been told that go where your customers are. They are the online majority of the time.

After being started with my course I have told that it is a learn and apply process. So, whatever I learn in this field I have to apply somewhere and continuously have to work upon it.

Starting a Blog is a better option. On a continuous basis, I developed a deep interest in the Digital Marketing field, and side by side I kept on applying what I am learning on my blog. Best way to grow.

It’s been four months and I learned a hell so much. It’s is an evolving field.
So, that’s where it all has started and I would like to continue it side by side while working also.

Advice to New Bloggers

  1. Just write your heart out, the thing you imagine, or the thing which kept pointing on your mind.
  2. Take it slowly and steadily, don’t worry if no one is reading your post or not appreciating you. Keep working on the areas you think you are a week.
  3. Continuous efforts are the key.

My Blogger nominations are –

1. Rebecca Burke

2. Louise Graceย 

3. Amalog

4. Highlands2hammocks

5. Just Me and a Boarding Passย 

6. Norma & Rob | Travel Around the Galaxyย 

7. The Reservation Journalย 

8. GregandDianas Travelsย 

9. Lauren @Justin Plus Laurenย 

10.These Foriegn Roadsย 

Thank You, everyone, and keep supporting.

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