Ear Cleaner at Delhi Chandni Chowk

Delhi Chandni Chowk Street Portraits – The Old is Forever Gold

Last updated on February 1st, 2024 at 05:48 pm

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Delhi Chandni Chowk is full of exciting characters, and Street Photography spotlights those characters to communicate from your vision.

Chandni Chowk is excellent for Street photography, but you must be soft-spoken because not everyone reacts equally. Some may oppose it when they see the camera eyeing them.

I learned that there’s a Fujifilm Photowalk at Chandni Chowk on Sunday. I try not to leave any day working on my skills when it comes to photography. Also, when you go on a photo walk, you meet other people with similar interests.

Thus, I packed my camera bag and charged the batteries a day earlier. 

On the photo walk day, I started finding frames and people. I could locate frames and composition fast because I had been practicing for years. So, coming on a photo walk also helps you practice your skills further.

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I also like to share a few things when doing Street Photography:

  1. You have to be polite enough with everyone, whether they allow you or not, to photograph them.
  2. If an individual points you not to click them, it indicates that you should find some other subject.
  3. The picture would become more impressive when you talk with the person, as it establishes a small bond. Moreover, it is helpful when photographing.
  4. It’s unnecessary to communicate with the other person every time you take a photograph; if you find an exciting moment, you should go for it.

Let’s see,

Street Portraits from Delhi Chandni Chowk

Worker at Chandni Chowk

When done with Street Photography at Delhi Chandni Chowk, take a bite of Rabri Jalebi from Panna Lal & Sons

Hence, when are you planning to do Streets?

Also Read, Jodhpur Streets – A Colorful Exploration

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