Vansh Tiwari Reading Magazine to Improve Himself at Home

It’s Heatwave Outdoors – 7 Things to Do at Home to Improve Yourself

Last updated on May 27th, 2024 at 05:20 am

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Summers forever bring heatwaves and simultaneously more time to stay indoors and self-improve.

Vansh Tiwari

Staying indoors holds benefits; if carried out genuinely and precisely consistently, it will help throughout Life.

In addition, you need a goal-oriented approach to improve yourself.

But, before you immediately push yourself to become STUBBORN toward becoming a better person, you need to show patience in gaining knowledge.

Allow me to take you forward to the points I want to share.

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7 Improve Yourself Things to do While Staying Indoors at Home

House is where everything begins, and nothing is more satisfactory than To Improve Yourself.

1. Indoor Exercise

Exercising carries usefulness that doesn’t remain hidden from anyone. 

Undoubtedly, you will improve yourself by exercising.

Though exercising while staying indoors seems pretty challenging to notice self-improvement — you have to aim for the long term.

But, there’s no need to miss the workout if you don’t have weight equipment; indeed, you can do indoor exercises without equipment.

Vansh Tiwari - Through exercising you can help improve yourself

Over the past several months, exercising has been essential in developing my discipline and enhancing productivity.

You have to OVERLOOK THE MYTH — that you require a more extensive space in the house and all the gym equipment to begin exercising.

Indeed, a small area with no equipment will be adequate.

Initially, I started with basic cardio exercises at home without equipment, which included:

1. Jumping 

You can always begin with jumping — you need to stand at a place and do 100 repetitions in one effort.

2. Push-ups

Through Push up you can help improve yourself

Since you start working out while staying indoors, 3 sets of 10 reps each would be an ideal approach to initiate the push-ups exercise.

3. Plank 

Vansh Tiwari Performing Plank Exercise at Home

Planks exercise remains my favorite to perform. You can commence with planking for a few seconds, like 30 seconds in the onset, and hence, increase the period, like 1 min, 1:30min, etc., as time advances.

You will Improve Yourself by Exercising

4. Running in Place

Although the Park was my best place for running earlier, I went indoors. Moving your legs fast while standing in a spot is suitable for indoor exercise.

5. Leg Raise

Vansh Tiwari performing Leg Raise Exercise Staying indoors at Home

The leg raise exercise requires you to lie down on the ground and raise your legs together to make a 90-degree angle.

6. Scissor Kicks

You will improve yourself by exercising at home

The position will remain the same as leg raises, but you must lift your legs one after another in Scissor Kicks.

Vansh Tiwari performing Scissor Kicks at Home

7. Mountain Climber

Vansh Tiwari Doing Mountain Climber Exercise Staying Indoors at Home
Vansh Tiwari Doing Mountain Climber Exercise Staying Indoors at Home

Come down to the plank position, and start marching your legs; make sure the legs reach your chest.

Ultimately, you will start loving the process once you make a habit.

For NEWBIES, I suggest starting an Indoor workout without equipment.

You can start practicing Simple Yoga Asanas at Home — I mainly went to Rishikesh to strengthen my knowledge and posture even more.

Moreover, if you don’t like working out alone indoors, you can shake your body with online fitness coaches.

Online Fitness Training to Improve Yourself

No one is far away in the online world.

You can check out cultfit; they provide online fitness training with live classes.

While buying a Dumbbell Weight from Amazon, I spontaneously saw a cult pass for 7 7-day trial period.

So, I used that cult pass, and I found it helpful. Moreover, if you need the motivation to shake your body, that’s a perfect place with energetic individuals. So, you can consider having a look into online fitness.

2. Read Blogs and Magazines

Similarly, like exercising, the benefits of reading include a globe.

While staying indoors, you can consider reading blogs that help you improve, like the article you are presently engaging in!

Excitingly, you can plan your next outing and gather knowledge from reading travel blogs.

Let’s talk travel, 

I consider reading my fancied travel blog, cntraveller, for travel inspiration and to acquire knowledge. Twice a week, I glimpse at the website to read.

Moreover, if you don’t want to spend your time online reading on your Desktop or Mobile, another suitable way to read would be to get a magazine subscription.

Reading Magazines to Better Yourself

If you have ever noticed, magazines have a fantastic way of expressing themselves through words and photos.

So, you can consider grasping the meaning and adding those words to your Life to improve yourself.

Vansh Tiwari - Through reading you can help improve yourself

I read many travel magazines from Cntraveller to understand people, places, and everything around travel.

If gorgeous photos develop your interest in reading a page, you will finish scanning the complete magazine.

Vansh Tiwari Reading Cntraveller Magazine at Home

Ultimately, you can keep the magazines forever with you — wherever you go; the magazine will serve as your travel buddy.

Hold your Horses,

  • Furthermore, you can also take an online subscription to NatgeoTraveler India magazine, as they publish the latest issue every month.

There are many ways to learn, and ultimately multiple knowledge providers exist — so take your step.

3. Utilize Your Phone Photos Effectively

I am sure your phone must have phenomenal photos that you want to share with the world.

Also, you like to bring old pictures to your advantage. Isn’t?

Photos are an incredibly precious memory you keep in your phone but eventually delete when the phone notifies low storage — I can relate!

There are online competitions you can participate in; undoubtedly, not all the photos you submit in the competition will provide positive output, but it will notably make you feel satisfied in taking that step.

Suppose you have fantastic landscape photos from your last trip and want to share your vision with others. Thus, you can participate in online competitions like International Photographer of the Year and Travel Photographer of the Year.

Alternatively, Instagram remains there to see your photo collections.

Even numerous contest takes place on Instagram.

But, How Do You Find Photography Contests on Instagram?

Brands regularly conduct contests on Instagram, and if you enjoy photography — you can consider seeing the Instagram pages of Nikon, Canon, Fujifilm, and other photography brands you admire.

Likewise, you can follow famous fashion brands if you enjoy Styling and Lifestyle. 

— Big players in every field always encourage you to take the step. So, when are you planning to take yours?

4. Learn from Udemy Courses

Learning should never stop, regardless of whether you stay indoors or outdoors.

I heard about Udemy searching for “courses to learn from home.” 

However, you can complete the courses on Udemy in a day, but ultimately it depends upon how quickly you can grasp that knowledge.

So, keep it slow…

Preferably, take your time; and utilize it thoroughly while staying indoors.

I took 3-to 4 nights to complete my Drone photography course on Udemy — as, in the daytime, I stayed doing my job.

While viewing the course, I simultaneously kept making notes and applied the learnings when practicing. 

You can check the reviews, description, preview video, course content, and every detail regarding the course before you choose to spend your time and money.

After finishing the Drone Photography course, I went to Udaipur for Holi.

Eventually, I explored Udaipur for 2 days — SNAPPED the beautiful White city and the Lake’s sight from the Drone. Sincerely, those were breathtaking views.

You already know — The best investment on the planet is on to become the better you.

Then, afterward, I decided to take the Keyword Research Udemy course to increase my knowledge about how to become proficient in keyword research and reach a wider blog audience online.

Though that course was very basic; indeed, I was expecting a few surprises; nevertheless, repeated learning is valuable too.

Thus, the online world is full of learning; you decide which topic you need to grasp profoundly.

5. Make a Daily Schedule to Improve Yourself

Making a daily schedule also means adhering to it.

Do you know? — The most pleasing thing you can do in the morning is create a schedule for yourself. 

I can understand sticking to the schedule can be challenging, but if you keep your end goal in your vision, you will follow your daily routine no matter what happens.


How to Make a Daily Schedule?

You have to prioritize the tasks that are most important to you.

For example, If you value blogging, “What topic do you want to write about today remains your major concern.”

The Example Blogging Schedule is below:

  • Morning – Choose the Topic you want to write about and do keyword research.
  • Afternoon – Determine the table of contents and begin writing.
  • Evening – Bring related media to express your article further.

Likewise, you can make a daily schedule for yourself.

I recommend writing your daily routine and putting it where you spend most of your day. Aha, No, not in the washroom! The innovative ideas in the bathroom will mainly flush the routine away.

You can choose the bedroom or study room.

Where Can You Write Your Daily Schedule?

1. Sticky Notes

Sticky Notes - Makes a daily schedule to improve yourself

You can write your daily schedule on the Sticky notes and paste it onto your wall in your study room. That will keep reminding you of the tasks you have to finish today.

2. White Board

Vansh Tiwari writing schedule on the white board at home

A combination of Whiteboard and marker — School remembrances. Write down your daily routine and erase the Whiteboard when the job is accomplished.

3. Calendar

Vansh Tiwari writing schedule on the calendar

A calendar allows you to check the dates; what else? You can also utilize it to write your daily duties to improve productivity.

My writing to-do list routine changes after a certain period, so I have used the abovementioned points.

Sshh, a secret between you and me: I am writing my daily schedule on a calendar.

6. Bring Discipline to Life

Making a schedule is a half-step forward, but what will make you follow your daily routine? — The Self-discipline.

The best things are ready to happen if you stay disciplined.

Moreover, I know staying disciplined is tough, but the best things begin with; you being tough. 

Every happened?

  • When you want to consume pizza, you can’t because you promised to remain disciplined for your fitness.
  • You like to go out and relax with buddies; you can’t because you pledged to hustle harder.


How to Develop Self-Discipline in Life?

Self-discipline takes months and years to come into existence.

It took me a year to create the mindset I needed to work on my blog content daily. Whether I am writing, clicking photographs, or analyzing the blog analytics, it has to be for the blog’s usefulness.

Moreover, self-discipline sets a mindset to keep proceeding without eyeing the results.


  • If you want to start exercising indoors, then,

How to Build Self-Discipline for Exercise to Better Yourself?

Exercising has been essential since I began working out by staying indoors.

Indeed, exercising at home can sound boring because you don’t have that gym atmosphere.

But, it could become interesting if you can conceive the below things in your Life:

1. Identify Your End Goal

If you can specify your end goal and bring out the answer to the question — Why do you want to exercise?

Notably, you can exercise from anywhere if you succeed in identifying your end goal.

2. Include Further Exercises Oftenly

The online world remains filled with multiple ways to perform a single exercise, and thousands of exercises exist. Phew! — You can’t calculate the number of exercises that exist.

Moreover, you can add a new activity to your workout routine once in 25 – 30 days.

  • Unquestionably, adding further exercises every day will not push you to understand the power of doing the exact training repeatedly.

3. Create a Workout Space Indoors

A small dedicated area for working out will fill you with positive energy.

However, you are creating a gym environment likewise. Thus, satisfaction is a must!

Working Out at Home Gym Mat
  • I used to work out on the floor when I started, but I sweat a lot in the summers, making the floor slippery — then the mat arrived.

So, you can consider doing a workout on the gym mat.

Honestly, the abovementioned points have helped me build self-discipline for exercising and will also help you.

To summarize,

Vansh Tiwari Working Out While Staying Indoors at Home

A DEDICATED WORKOUT SPACE with your GOAL IN MIND and the ADDITION OF NEW ACTIVITIES will help build your self-discipline for indoor exercise. 

7. Capture Photographs

Clicking Photographs remains among my favorite things to do with writing. Not simply clicking photos, but, indeed, that conveys a meaningful message and justifies the piece of content.

Photoing is an art, and you can start practicing that art while staying indoors.

Start with picking any topic:

  • Suppose you need to capture patterns. That pattern could be on your bedsheets, floor, curtains, and anywhere you can think.


If you don’t enjoy clicking other subjects, the most pleasing way is to click yourself — PORTRAITS.

Undoubtedly, taking photographs can boost your happiness.

Staying happy in anything you’re doing is the most significant factor that leads you to improve yourself.

Vansh Tiwari - By Staying Happy you can help improve yourself

Genuinely, the lockdown days have taught me the importance of self-love and notably, clicking yourself as well.

— I stayed satisfied in seeing myself. Otherwise, I used to travel outdoors for the blog content, but I overlooked snapping myself.

Presently, I frequently include myself; you can see my Instagram.

So, Happy Snapping!

Summing Up

Life has a plan to make you capable, and improving yourself is how to evolve your capability.

Undoubtedly, I believe you will improve yourself rather than going in the heatwave outdoors without any reason.

Let me know your preferred improve yourself activity from the mentioned.


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  1. Prerna

    Thanks for these tips. I will use some of these to invest in becoming a better person.

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