11 Useful Things I've Learned from Publishing 101 Blog Posts

11 Useful Things I’ve Learned from Publishing 101 Blog Posts

Last updated on May 11th, 2022 at 04:15 am

Reading Time: 8 minutes

Ultimately, I’ve penned 101 posts + and 4 guest posts on my site.

Clapping, thank you!

I have learned several things that proved advantageous in skills advancement in the blogging process. Further, I would love to share them with you’ll.

Meantime, you can bookmark this post for future reading so that it will remain in your sight. I feel it will be very beneficial to you. Moreover, you wouldn’t want to proceed with the same skill set over the years. Therefore, wherever you’re in your blogging or life adventure, the points that I’ll be sharing will come in handy.

If you persevere, you will push yourself to improve. Oops! That is amongst the things I desire to discuss in pointers. Hence let’s get commenced because I’m oozing things right here. Excitement, Haha!

Points I’ve learned from Publishing 101 Blog Posts –

1. To Create Interesting Content that Excites Me Firstly

To create engaging & interesting content within the titles, in-body paragraphs, and images, including the different things I have used in the article creation. 

If you’ve been watching me for a long time, you must have seen the earlier stuff.

I don’t mind saying it, tedious! But, because I was going through the same mindset, what are others making?

Their work has been seen & appreciated by people. Consequently, the outcome will remain similar, and I get admired too.

Hence, it took me quite some time to understand.

Moreover, I momentarily prefer to excite and bring enthusiasm at the initial look amongst the readers with my added touch plus flavor. So, I follow a 5 step process to make the title look captivating with such a writing piece that tries to sustain the reader’s interest.

Furthermore, these blogging ideas have helped me develop exciting topics while staying at home.

I genuinely consider that you should set your heart out in anything you are doing because it will ultimately signify you.

Therefore, stand out in your own eyes.

Significantly, don’t skip to appreciate yourself!


2. Learning Plus Managing WordPress App

What! Are you serious? 

I know you must be having mixed reactions when you read that point.

That is something that I should have mastered in the first 10 blog posts entirely.

But, the scenario was quite different when I began.

I had no sense that a dedicated space for WordPress existed until I published my approximately 60-65 articles.

Amongst those articles, I wish I have published these 9 articles after knowing the existence of the WordPress dedicated space.

Haha, silly me!

I used to publish them with the mindset that people seeking online would discover what I had to offer. Just!

You surely have missed the opportunity to reach out to more people in the community, are my accurate words.

I am yet to figure out several things in the WordPress app.

God Bless the readers of WordPress for helping me out. Furthermore, in my recent post, one of the readers commented that –

She wished that she could have read the whole post in the WordPress app itself.

Learning Plus Managing WordPress App

It used to show in an excerpt where the readers have to click on the link beneath to view the full article on the main website.

You can see an example below –

Earlier WordPress Post used to show in an Excerpt

Hence, she commented on that post and guided me a bit. Finally, I could locate the options in the settings, and now readers can see the full post in the WordPress app. 

Readers can read the full Blog Posts in WordPress App Itself

Hurray for the readers, and a slight for me too!


3. To Use Infographic

I feel that just drafting down your thoughts would look lengthy, and it will remain simply a subject of getting lost between the words from a reader’s viewpoint. Like, I am getting lost.

Infographics will make assure that readers will perceive them engagingly. Hence, understanding is a way that gets cherished for a long.

Likewise, I have created an Infographic concerning this article. You can see the points written in order-wise –

I strive to explain the lengthy blog posts with the help of Infographics for better understanding.

Assume you have written an article that tells about steps to something.

That step contains a lengthy description that would become entangled to keep them remembering. 

Consequently, you can present in a summary block with the help of an infographic. Then, when someone reads, you can employ your creativity to make it appealing and interactive, plus valuable.

When you see an infographic, you remember its content for a more extended time.

Because the blend of colors, text, and images effortlessly seize your attention which gets stuck in our understanding.

It’s a productive way to express anything. 


4. To Create Mails and Send them to Subscribers

Conveying my blog message via emails to Subscribers has remained an invaluable addition to the skills that I have acquired from publishing 101 blog posts.

Thus, I before-mentioned that in my initial days, I was publishing with the belief that my content could get viewed when someone performed an online search correlated to that—lastly, I subscribed!

In that sense, I prepared a subscription form. Although I changed a lot, and subscription pop-up seemed well suited. 

I commenced to send out emails to subscribers whenever I published a new article. 

That conclusively given rise to email creation and communication abilities.

When I publish a new blog, I Mail it to the Subscribers for a read.

I also attempt to show my artistic facet in emails, apart from the blog. Because if my emails don’t inspire me, how can I anticipate others to read and appreciate them!


Hence, I strive to produce valuable content and manually spread it out to emails.

Honestly, it’s been a perfect addition that has enhanced my skills via emails. 

Earlier, I don’t read the emails that arrive in the inbox. 

Momentarily I seek to take inspiration and the efforts others put within it.


5. If you Persevere, you will Push Yourself to Improve

Just hold the required thing very tight in your hands so that it won’t slide at any expense.

In other words,

If you Persevere, you will Push Yourself to Improve

Thus, I held this writing and photo adventure pretty tight, sustaining improvement. You never get to know that you are advancing, although the end outcome may shock you.

This point concerns all the careers.

For e.x, – If you don’t like running, and regardless you keep on running for even 10 mins a day for 6 months, it would unquestionably improve you. You, yourself, would also raise the everyday running period significantly.

You can make a daily habit and can incorporate it simply then. 

Aha! Have you ever concentrated that the first thing you’ll require to do is brush tomorrow?

Hehe! Not at all.

Please keep it simple then, similar to blogging. Include it as your daily responsibility. 


6. Effective Vocabulary

I’ll remain honest with you; I was genuinely bad in Vocabulary when I got risen.

Vocabulary makes you sound polished, but you will also become considerably informed of the usage of words when you keep progressing.

Aha, Preserve is here!

As you can see, this point justifies the earlier point.

Whenever you see an offbeat word, could you write it down somewhere? Then, try to include those terms in your daily life. 

God Bless my notebook writing!

I jot down the unusual words to use them in the blog posts or either in conversations.

The writing used to appear the same in my school days. But, gosh, I haven’t improved in this spot.

Behind the scene, I have recently started jotting down the unusual words and gradually trying to take over them in real life.


7. To Experiment with New Things in Blog Posts

As I proceeded onward, I experimented with several things within the articles.

I have done polls, images with text, formatting, and others.

Amongst them was VandayPodcast, I did two episodes and included them within the articles.

Vanday Podcast by Vansh Tiwari

Shortly, I understood that podcasting is walking on another road right now. I will look ahead to utilizing podcasts in the future as I want to concentrate on blogging entirely.

Experimenting, eventually, signifies a pleasant user experience. 

It enhanced my creative side in creating polls, writing text on images, and especially podcasting.


8. Persistent + Consistent = Closer to Goal

The table-turning point consistency.

Dreaming about something is one thing, and remaining persistent and consistent towards that goal is a world in itself.

The lockdown taught me the value of consistency.

THEREFORE, as I run a travel and photography blog, my mindset inevitably fills up that I have to escape someplace to create something.

But, the question is, where to go in lockdown, how to go outside?

The thought arose that I didn’t utilize that efficiently wherever I have been. So it means that there is much more that I can tell. 

So, I went deep inside my thoughts and commenced creating by remaining consistent. 

For e.x – I had been to Chitkul quite back, a year after the lockdown. I thought I didn’t utilize Chitkul adequately and published only one article. Following this, I submitted three more blog posts regarding Chitkul.

Chitkul related blogs

Delhi to Chitkul Road Trip – How to Plan Your Visit on HRTC Bus?
You may have taken several road trips in your entire …
Delhi to Chitkul Breathtaking Journey on your Mind?
Firstly, staying in Chitkul was not my choice when planning …

The motive of telling is that everything stays within our minds. Therefore, you need to focus more frequently on your thoughts plus ideas. 


9. To Read Additional Blogs

Reading has not been my forte since childhood.

During literature classes in school, I often used to trace over the images with a pencil. HaHa!

I hope that you do the same sometimes! Many times.

The things are pretty opposite; now, I often read other blogs. Not simply travel & photography related, but other niche blogs like fitness & fashion.

However, my eyes got stuck on the travel magazines, but I succeeded in reading additional niche blogs.

The more knowledge you gain, the more proficient you become.

It always feels great to not simply read but appreciate people’s efforts toward what they want to tell.


10. To Recheck 3’ice Before Publication

There’s a big world of online readers.

You don’t want your message to seem ineffective & not thoughtfully penned.

For e.x, – Yesterday, I went to a pace, it looked beautiful from every side. Therefore, I adored it from sometimes and left after.

Read that carefully again. Can you locate mistakes?

I think you understood why I added this point.

It becomes unlikely to keep everything up to the mark first. Hence, it would help if you were aiming at Rechecking for assured. 

I have developed a habit of Rechecking 3 times and reading aloud before publishing a blog.

It would help to locate the mistakes when you do these many Rechecks. 


11. Mad Man Behind Creation

I trust that the connection between readers and creators is of utmost importance. 

The person who is creating, let’s suppose, writing should come out as identity. 

The readers also want to perceive the personality behind that creation.

Hence, it would help to include a photograph of yourself justifying that point within the writing. It would eventually enhance whatever you want to tell the readers.

I don’t include myself in any of my blog posts during the commencement. However, lately, I have begun to show the individuality that would ultimately intensify the relationship connecting the reader and creator. 


That concludes what I wanted to say in my 101 blog posts.

Applaud! Once again.

I hope that I succeeded in adding value to your life & your every minute consumed reading.

Now, it’s your time to share,

Did I succeed in providing content to you all in my 102nd blog?

Show 20 Comments


  1. “If you learn something… You process a bit.” – Kriti @Brightway 

    Your learning is wonderful lesson for every blogger. Thank you for writing such informative blog. Keep writing and keep shining ??

    • Thank you Kriti for sharing your thoughts with me! I surely agree with your quote.

      Keep Creating and Inspiring ?.

      • In quote it was typo error…. progress instead of process☺

        Glad that you agree with my words. Thank you ?

        Happy weekend !

        • Error is a part of learning…

          Therefore, the right path! ?

          Happy Weekend Kriti. Enjoy and Stay Safe.

          • Another great quote it is… ” Error is a part of learning ” ?

            May we keep learning always ?

            • ‘To Err. Is Human, To Edit is Divine’

              Another quote that promptly came into my mind when I saw the error.

              Let’s play quote, quote.. Haha! ?

              Keep learning.

              • Ha ha… let’s play quote, quote ?

                Actually your quote clicks on another quote in my mind… Here it is

                ” From an error to edit,
                A step to sucess credit. ”

                Keep smiling ?

                • Aha!

                  I am short of error quotes ?, needed to expand my dictionary.

                  That quote was spot on, an excellent rhyming too Kriti ?.

                  Keep Styling and Smiling ?.

                  • It’s alright we have already played enough ? You have good dictionary ?

                    Thank you so much for appreciating my extemporaneous quote?

                    Take care !

  2. Charu Goyal

    This is a great list of learnings, Vansh. Big congratulations on publishing 100+ articles!

  3. Khushi

    Congrats Vansh. Aur ye 101 ka Sagoon chadha dena 🙂 lol. I really enjoy your blogs, keep writing and share your informative blogs.

  4. Dimple Joshi

    Hey, I am a newbie in the blogging world and I hope your tip would help me to grow my blog. Thank you so much for sharing such creative tips. I will definitely follow what you have learned while publishing blog posts. Besides that, I Loved the infographic part, I think I should implement it.

    • Hi Dimple, Thank You for sharing your valuable thoughts with me. Mainly, that would motivate me to be better!

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