Kalpa Valley Photo Blog

Kalpa Valley Photo Blog – LETS see the Photos of Kinnaur Valley

Last updated on January 15th, 2022 at 05:00 am

Reading Time: 4 minutes

*This is a Kalpa Valley photoblog, a blog full of photos I took during my trip to Kinnaur Valley.

Hello people,

I decided to come up with Kalpa Valley Photo Blog. This post entirely focuses on photos or problem-solving photos for some.

Me – Guess what?

You – What?

Me – Photos also help in decision making many a time, and in some cases, it’s the primary decision-maker.

Kalpa Valley is undoubtedly one of the major attractions in Kinnaur Valley because of the mountains, heritage village, surroundings, and many more.

But, I felt the reason that attracted me towards Kinnaur Valley and especially towards Kalpa Valley is the culture.

I have heard many times about Kinnaur culture and wanted to experience this.

i.e., Kinnaur happened.

Note – If you are willing to contribute a photoblog. You can submit a photoblog after reading guideline No.7

Also, it’s pretty far from Delhi and takes 2 days to reach from the Shimla side via public transport, and many are thinking it will cost too much and you have to save a lot before planning.

But I did Kinnaur Valley under 8k, and you can also plan your visit on a low budget.

I will be writing the caption below the photos for a better understanding.

Rampur, Himachal Pradesh

Kalpa Travel Bog - On the way to Kinnaur at Rampur
That was taken at Rampur, on the way to Kinnaur

Can you guess this?

Yeah, most of you guessed right. It’s the head of a woman sitting in front of me.

Towards Kinnaur at Rampur
Towards Kinnaur at Rampur

That was also taken at Rampur from the bus to Kinnaur Valley.

Kalpa- Kinnaur Valley (Himachal Pradesh)

Kalpa Travel Photo Blog - In front of Kalpa Village
 In front of Heritage Kalpa Village

This was taken from a shed just before entering Kalpa Village.

Kalpa Village - In the middle of Kalpa Village
Standing in the middle of Kalpa Village

Reached Heritage Kalpa Village

Outside of Monastery in Kalpa
That is Hu-Ba-Lan-Kar Monastery

That remained clicked before entering the Monastery.

Also Read, what all things to do on the Kalpa Village tour

Kalpa Travel Photo Blog - This is from inside temple
Chandrika Temple

That is from clicked from inside Chandrika Temple next to the junior school.

Streets of Kalpa
Streets of Kalpa

Streets of Kalpa at the time of the afternoon.

Kalpa Travel Photo Blog - Kalpa the Heritage Village
Kalpa the Heritage Village

In the Village of Kinnaur Valley – Kalpa

Book your stay

Book your stay in the heritage village of Kalpa


On the Roghi road in Kalpa
Roghi road in Kalpa Valley

On the way to see Roghi road.

Kinnaur Valley muntains as seen from Kalpa Roghi road
Kinnaur Valley mountains as seen from Kalpa Roghi road

On the Kalpa – Roghi road

Kalpa - Roghi road
Kalpa – Roghi road

On the Kalpa- Roghi road. On this road, there comes the much-talked-about suicide point.

Village Kashmir in Kalpa

Kalpa - Towards village Kashmir
Towards village Kashmir in Kalpa

My Homestay was in Village Kashmir in Kalpa, from Heritage and central Kalpa Village.

Mornings in Village Kashmir
Sunny Morning in Village Kashmir

It was a steep climb to reach the main road from my Homestay in the village of Kashmir.

Work time for the people
Work time for the people

Hardly any bus goes on this route of Village Kashmir (very few); you have to reach a diversion point from where buses pass by.

Sheep Herders on my way to Village Kashmir
Mountains Traffic

On my way back to my Homestay.

Kalpa Travel Photo Blog - Evening in Kalpa
Returning to Homestay

On my way to Homestay in the evening.

Morning In Village Kashmir - Kalpa Valley
School time in Kalpa

I used to wake up early to explore.

i.e., this is my Kalpa Valley Photo Blog.

I hope you liked it; comment on the photo composition I have used here in the comments below.

If you have liked it, do share and subscribe.

I was experimenting with something new.

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